I still want to introduce this website - Postcorssing.
I think it is a really good site for everyone who want to practice English and make friends over the world.
And, it also is a good way to introduce Taiwan to other country people.
Up to now, I had received 19 cards from everywhere arround the world,and sent 25 cards to some foreginers.
(The blue lines are where I had received card,red lines are where I had sent to.)
And, there are three my favorite cards which I got.
On this card, you can see a cookrecipe of Croissants.
I think it is very cool!
I love this card most. 'Cause it was sent by a only 7 years old girl.
It is so Q,isn't it?
I like to receive cards from Japan.
'Cause, Japaness's writing is very like ours. It is easyier to read.
Sometimes, some people would sent their card only with "Greetngs from XXX" those few words, I don't like this kind of cards.
I love receive cards with some stories or some informations about the card.
So that, I send Taiwan tourism postcard,such as: www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php
I introduce what is the place on the card and what is special there.
Does this website attract you ?
Just go to the homepage and click the "reqister" button.
(如果用字文法上有問題就請多多包涵啦XD 我很努力的介紹囉^+++^
現在就多練習介紹台灣,而且做做國民外交,也頂好的呀~ 鄉親啊!這就是愛台灣啦~